Security in the Court

We will explain here about court security along with what you can and can’t take into court with you.

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Security in the Court

When you go to court, there are certain security protocols that must be followed.  This applies to any court that you may be asked to attend so take this as a heads up.  We will explain here why this is and what you can and can’t take into court with you.  Hopefully this will avoid any embarrassment and will also mean that you will get into the court house quickly with minimal stress.

It is important for court staff to ensure that everyone who attends court is as safe as possible.  It is understandable that a courtroom is a place where emotions run high, especially where children and money are concerned and so it is not uncommon for parties attending court to feel animosity against other people involved in their case.  Whether it’s a parent enraged with the decision of a judge, a bystander with a vendetta against a solicitor or someone just wishing to take an opportunity to cause chaos, taking the security process seriously will ensure that you experience in court will be as safe as possible.

When you attend court, you will need to pass through a security scanner.  It is similar to airport security. You will need to put anything you’re carrying through the metal detector, and you may even be asked to remove accessories such as your shoes and belt.  You will also need to walk through a metal detector.  Bags will be visually checked.

Things you are not allowed to take onto the premises with you are:

  • Anything with a blade for example any kind of knife
  • Sharps which include items such as syringes, scissors and needles for example sewing needles.
  • Replica guns such as novelty gun shaped lighters, jewellery fashioned to look like a gun or toy guns.  Obviously you are also not allowed to take actual guns into the court with you.
  • Work tools are also not permitted.  It doesn’t matter if you’re going to court during a break from work and you’re carrying your tools on you.  You can’t take things such as hammers, screwdriver, nails etc into the court.
  • Alcohol is not permitted
  • Any liquid that’s not a drink.  You’re not allowed to take perfume, aerosols or cleaning products onto the premises with you for example.

The court will permit you to take drinks into the venue but if the container has been opened then you will be required to take a drink of the liquid.  The security guards will probably smell the liquid to make sure that it doesn’t contain alcohol.  Sealed drinks that you are permitted to take into the court include drinks cans and drink cartons.

If you need to take medication with you into the court, then you may do so but you should ensure that the medication carries a label from the pharmacy which states that it is for your use and the name of the medication.

You are not allowed to take photos or record video in court. 

If you are found to be carrying any non permitted items then security will remove them from your possession.  If security has any concerns about anything that you are carrying, then they will need to consult a judge before you are allowed to enter the building.  Any items that are legal but not permitted in court may be held by security at your own risk until you leave the court building.  If you have any offensive weapons that are illegal then security will confiscate them and report you to the police.

These security checks apply to everyone entering the court building.  If you are taking someone with you to court, even if they are going to wait in the waiting room during your hearing, they will need to comply with the same security procedure.  You should ensure that you tell them about the security protocol if they are not already aware of it.

Anyone refusing to be searched will not be allowed into the court building.

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